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Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety

Graduate Diploma Rehabilitation Studies

Master of Occupational Health and Safety (Occupational Safety)

Graduate Certificate Learning and Teaching (Higher Education)


Lisa Stevens is a well-qualified and experienced OHS professional, with over 30 years of experience working in workers' compensation claims management, injury management, and occupational health and safety. Lisa has worked across regulation, education, medical research and government.  A subject matter expert in OHS, chemical management  and laboratory safety. Lisa has a keen eye in finding weakness in safety systems and developing strategies to drive organisations through change. 

Lisa’s principal areas of consultancy include safety audits, manual handling, risk assessments, chemical management, and laboratory safety training. 

  • Chartered OHS Professional - Australian Institute of Health & Safety
  • Member of the College of Fellows -Australian Institute of Health & Safety
  • Associate Member Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists 
  • Winner of the RACI Health, Safety and Environment Division Medal 2020.

PhD Candidate  - Edith Cowan University

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0881-0190

Master of Occupational Health and Safety (Occupational Safety) 
Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Studies
Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (Higher Education)
Diploma of Quality Auditing
Certificate IV Training and ASSESSMENT TAE 40110 (including updates)
OHS Management Auditor Training (Lead Auditor) (SAI Global) (AS4801 and  AS ISO 45001)
ICAM Lead Investigator (Safety Wise)
Fellow and Chartered OHS Professional - Australian Institute of Health and Safety
Fellow and Chartered Chemist  - Royal Australian Chemical Institute 
Member - Association of Biosafety for Australia and New Zealand
Associate Member - Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists
Standards Australia Technical Committee CH-026 - Safety in Laboratories
Standards Australia Technical Committee SF-048 - Emergency Eyewash and Showers
Standards Australia Working Group TC229/WG 03 Health, Safety and Environmental Aspects - Nanotechnology 

Casey, T., Davis, J., Girle, A., Shepherd, A., & Stevens, L.J., (2022, July 3–8). Laboratory Incident Panel Discussion [Technical Panel]. Royal Australian Chemical Institute National Congress 2022 Brisbane, QLD, Australia. [Invited Speaker]

2022 - RACI National Congress “An investigation into the relationship between safety data sheets and risk assessments" [Invited speaker - PEER REVIEWED]

2018 - 25th IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education ICCEBridging the gap between academia and industry  through the integration of OHS education in chemistry programs’ [Poster - PEER REVIEWED]

2017 - Science Industry Australia's Laboratory Management and Design Conference "Is AS/NZS 2243 Safety in Laboratories Series the forgotten standard against the backdrop of Laboratory accreditation?”

2017 - RACI Centenary National Congress  “Artificial Turf – “Environmental Friend, Health and Safety Foe?”

2017 -  RACI Centenary National Congress “Who is in the best position to provide laboratory safety training?”

2016 -  Laboratory Safety Training - Tasmanian Association of Laboratory Manager

2016 - Automotive Histories Diving Futures Inaugural Conference “TB or not TB a Lifetime Racing MG’s – Preserving the legacy of SA Motor Racing Identify Tom Stevens”

2016 - RACI Health Safety and Environment Group Annual Symposium “Backyard Safety – What is Lurking in your Back Yard”

2013 - Western Safety Group “Overview of Nanotechnology and Safety”

2013 - Australasian University Safety Association Biennial Conference “Safety in the not so small world of Nanotechonology”

2008 - Worksafe Vic - Employer RTW Network “Return to Work - Keys to a Positive Rehabilitation Experience”

1999 - ACT Public Sector OHS Advisor and Case Manager Network Meeting “Overview of Comcare Claims Management Experience".


Stevens, L.J. (2024, September). Judging chemical innovation . Chemistry in Australia 

Stevens, L.J. (2023) ‘Safety and science - partners in innovation’, Chemistry in Australia. December 2023.

OHS Professional (2023) ‘A primer on chemical hazard safety in the workplace’ September 2023.

Weekly Star - Maribyrnong - Hobsons Bay (2023) ‘Industrial development denied’, 3 July 2023. 

Stevens, L.J., Cattani, M Oosthuizen, J (2022, July 3–8). An investigation into the relationship between safety data sheets and occupational risk assessments.  [Paper presentation]. Royal Australian Chemical Institute National Congress 2022 Brisbane, QLD, Australia. [Invited Speaker /Peer Reviewed]
Stevens L. J.  (2016) “TB or not TB a Lifetime Racing MG’s – Preserving the legacy of SA Motor Racing Identify Tom Stevens” Automotive Histories Diving Futures Inaugural Conference of the Automotive Historians Australia. 1st - 4th Sept 2016 Melbourne [Peer Reviewed]

"working with people to save them from themselves"






Bachelor of Science (Chem)

Bachelor of Arts (Psych)

Master of Applied Science (Toxicology)

Master of Professional Education and Training  

Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry)


Neale is a well-qualified chemist and toxicologist who has been involved in laboratory safety, toxicology, and chemical management for over 25 years. Neale had an extensive career as a Production Chemist at Cussons UK Ltd and Gibson Chemicals Pty Ltd (Aust) before joining CSIRO Division of Forest Products.  Neale went on to forge a career as an academic at both Swinburne University of Technology and RMIT University teaching chemistry and occupational health and safety.  Neale has returned to private industry, putting his previous industry experience to use in delivering safety training programs to industry.

  • Certified OHS Professional - Australian Institute of Health & Safety
  • Member of the College of Fellows -Australian Institute of Health & Safety
  • Chartered Chemist and Toxicologist
  • Former Senior Lecturer -Occupational Health and Safety
  • Current Teaching Associate  - Pharmaceutical Sciences 

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7400-730X

Bachelor of Science (First Class Hons - Chemical Sciences)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)PhD (Chemistry) 
Graduate Diploma in Education
Master of Professional Education and Training 
Master of Applied Science (Toxicology)
PhD (Chemistry)
Certificate IV Training and Assessment TAE 40110 (including updates)
OHS Management Auditor Training (Lead Auditor) (SAI Global) (AS/NZS ISO 45001)
Fellow and Chartered Chemist - Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Fellow - Royal Society of Chemistry
Fellow - Australian College of Toxicology and Risk Assessment
Past Chair - Health Safety and Environment Division (RACI)
Past Member - CH-026 Safety in Laboratories Standards Technical Committee
Past Member - NT  Standards Australia Nanotechnology Technology Committee (NT-001)
Member -  NT-001 WG3  - Health, Safety and Environmental Aspects of Nanotechnologies

2017 -  RACI Health Safety And Environment Group (Vic) Annual Symposium “Comparison of New Methods of Training of Personnel In Handling Hazardous Chemicals Versus Older Methods?”

2017 - RACI Centenary National Congress - “Chemical Safety – Do we have access to competent advice?” 

2010 - Nanotechnology Work Health and Safety Symposium "Nanotechnology Work Health and Safety Symposium 

2010 - HAZMAT “SNET: “Risk Assessment in a Virtual Laboratory Environment”

2010 -  International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Effective Risk Assessment and Work Practices for Use with Engineered Nanomaterials”

2008 - International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology "Nanosafety Challenges and Opportunities for Australian Nanotechnologies".  

2009 - RMIT Platform Technologies Research Institute (PTRI) 2009 Annual Symposium Presenter of “Overview of Nanosafety Issues”

2008 - HAZMAT Practical Protocols for Nanoparticles of Concern (NPOCs)”

PUBLICATIONS ( a full list of publications is available on request)


Hügel, H., Lingham, A., Jackson, N.R.C. & Rook, T. (2019). Dietary Directions Against Dementia Disorders. 10.1007/978-981-13-0944-1_23.

Wright P.F.A., Jackson N.R.C. (2016) Safety of Engineered Nanomaterials and Occupational Health and Safety Issues for Commercial Scale Production. In: Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine: Law, Business, Safety and Risk, (Ed. Bawa R.), Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-4669-22-1. Chapter 27, pp. 569-619.

Hügel, H.,Jackson, N.,May, B.,Zhang, A.,Xue, C. (2016). Polyphenol protection and treatment of hypertension In: Phytomedicine, 23, 220 – 231

Lingham, A.R, Hawley, J.A, Greaves, T, Jackson, N.,  Antolasic F. Hügel, H.M.  (2016) Revisiting the Three Component Synthesis of Isoxazolo[5,4-b]pyridines, 4-Aryl-3,7,7- trimethyl-isoxazolo[5,4-b]quinolin-5(6H)-ones and Related Heterocycles. Polyhedron · DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2016.09.011

Hügel, H.,Jackson, N.,May, B.,Zhang, A.,Xue, C. (2016). Polyphenol protection and treatment of hypertension In: Phytomedicine, 23, 220 – 231

Hügel, H.,Jackson, N. (2015). Herbs and dementia: a focus on Chinese and other traditional herbs In: Diet and Nutrition in Dementia and Cognitive Decline, Academic Press, London, United Kingdom

Hügel, H.,Jackson, N. (2015). Polyphenols for the prevention and treatment of dementia diseases In: Neural Regeneration Research, 10, 1756 – 1758

Hügel, H., Jackson, N.R.C. (2014). Danshen diversity defeating dementia In: Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 24, 708 – 716

Hugel, H., Jackson, N.R.C (2014). Herbs and dementia: a focus on Chinese and other traditional herbs In: Diet and Nutrition in Dementia and Cognitive Decline, Elsevier, United kingdom

Wright P.F.A. & Jackson N.R.C. (2013) Safety of engineered nanomaterials and OH&S issues for commercial scale production in Nanotechnology Commercialization, edited by Takuya Tsuzuki, Pan Stanford Publishing, ISBN 978-981-4303-28-6.

Jackson, N.R.C., Tepe S. and Wright P. (2010) Engineered nanomaterials: Investigating substitution and modification options to reduce potential hazards. Safe Work Australia, Commonwealth of Australia publication. Online publication date: 2 Aug. 2010. ISBN 978-0-642-33100-7. 81 pages.

Jackson, N.R.C., Lopata A., Elms T. and Wright P. (2009) Engineered nanomaterials: Evidence of the effectiveness of workplace controls to prevent exposure. Safe Work Australia, Commonwealth of Australia publication. Online publication date: 4 Nov. 2009. ISBN 978-0-642-32884-7. 82 pages



Wright P.F.A., Jackson, N.R.C. (2007). “Final report to CSIRO on walk-through audit at TFT Belmont and Clayton carbon nanotube sites”. For CSIRO TFT, Belmont, Victoria.-205 March 2008, 15 pages.

Wright P.F.A., Jackson, N.R.C. (2007). “Intermediate report to CSIRO on walk-through audit at TFT Belmont and Clayton carbon nanotube sites”. For CSIRO Textiles & Fibre Technology, Belmont, Victoria. December 2007, 7 pages.

Jackson, N.R.C.  Phillips, C.H., (2007). ”Risk Assessment of Process, Chemicals and Technology used to manufacture ceramic spray coatings for pan production at Anotech”, Jangman, PRC, July 2007 (commercial in confidence)

Mamers, H and Jackson, N.R.C. (1992) ”Preparation of cross-linked silicic acid gels”  Division of Forest Products CSIRO Clayton   Program Report AC-021, Divisional Report F (commercial in confidence)

Jackson, N.R.C; Watkins, J.B., Goode, J.H Greaves, H. (1992) “Assessment of the Dimensional Stability of Pinus Radiata after Treatments with CCA, CCA/Oil and CCA/Wax formulations. Part 1. A report on periodic submersion in water of treated P. radiata specimens”. Division of Forest Products CSIRO Clayton  1992 (commercial in confidence)


"preventing accidents and injuries from exposure to chemicals" 


Percival Pusscat Esquire - PPE for short!  He is such a dag. Percy is the original interactive toy!!  He just loves to keep us entertained.